The Support Services website membership is open to South West Sydney CHSP funded services and related Government funded home support or allied aged care services, Government funded aged care assessment and referral services and aged care advocacy peak bodies. IDC reserves the right to refuse a membership if the candidate cannot prove fulfillment of this requirement.
Members are able to post information and share resources on the website. Posts have to be of value to the membership and not for the sole purpose of advertising, promoting or furthering a service. All posts will be approved by IDC to ensure compliance prior to publishing.
Privacy policy and disclaimer: prior to submitting membership (as above)
IDC is committed to protecting the privacy of members. All possible care has been taken in protecting the email addresses and details of members and IDC will never share the email addresses of members without their permission.

Managed and Resourced by Inclusive and Diverse Communities Inc
SWS Sector Support and Development Team Leader.
© 2020 South West Sydney Information and
Support for the Aged Care Sector